2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This document provides late-breaking information about Microsoft Office Project 2003.
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Working with Microsoft Office Project
Installing Office XP Web Components
Installing a stand-alone application after installing the Office Suite will unintentionally delete installations of Office XP Web Components
In-Place Editing
Opening Projects from a Microsoft Project 2000 or 2002 Database
Upgrading the Microsoft Project 2002 Global Template File
Microsoft Project Developer Center
Errors in Visual Basic for Applications Help Topics
Help Topic Issues
Resource Created Field
Resource Workgroup Field
FileExit Method
OptionsSecurity Method
EnterpriseResourceGet Method
EnterpriseSyncActuals and EnterpriseProjectDelete Methods
Changes in the file Pjdb.htm
Changes in the file Pjoledb.htm
OLE-DB Provider Registry Keys
Working with Microsoft Office Project 2003
Installing Office XP Web Components
Microsoft Office Project 2003 includes Windows Installer Package files (.msi) for both Office 2003 Web Components (Owc11.msi) and an upgraded version of Office XP Web Components (Owc10.msi). Both .msi files are located on the installation CD, and both versions are included in Microsoft Office Project 2003 Setup (although they are not exposed to end users as options in the Microsoft Office Project 2003 Setup user interface). Office 2003 Web Components are installed by default; however, the upgraded Office XP Web Components are installed only if a previous version of Office XP Web Components exists on the user's computer.
If you want to install the upgraded Office XP Components manually on a computer that does not have a previous version of Office XP Web Components, you can run Owc10.msi directly from the setup CD.
If your organization uses solutions that rely on Office XP Web Components and you are deploying to new clients (that is, you are not upgrading) and want to perform a customized setup, then you can ensure that the upgraded Office XP Web Components are included in the Project 2003 installation by setting the OWC10EXISTS property on the command line when running Setup.exe, or in the Setup settings file (Setup.ini).
Installing a stand-alone application after installing the Office Suite will unintentionally delete installations of Office XP Web Components
Installing a stand-alone application (for example, Microsoft Office Word 2003, Project, Publisher, Outlook, or PowerPoint) after you have already installed Microsoft Office 2003 Suite deletes all Microsoft Office XP Web Component files from your computer. Any solutions that are based on OWC10 will no longer function.
To reinstall OWC10 files, you must reinstall or repair the installation of the Office 2003 Suite, or repair Microsoft Office Project 2003 by clicking Detect and Repair on the Help menu in Microsoft Project.
In-Place Editing
If you attempt to open a project from within another application, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, while you're using Microsoft Project Professional and are connected to a Microsoft Project Server, not all commands work as expected. For example, the Build Team from Enterprise command does not work in this situation.
Opening Projects from a Microsoft Project 2000 or 2002 Database
When you open a project from a Microsoft Project 2000 or 2002 database, the project may open as read-only. Because the Microsoft Office Project 2003 database schema includes additional tables and additional fields within some of the existing tables, Microsoft Office Project 2003 needs to update the schema. If you do not have Alter Table and Create Table privileges, the updated changes cannot be made and Microsoft Project 2003 opens the project read-only.
Upgrading the Microsoft Project 2002 Global Template File
If you currently have Microsoft Project 2002 installed, the Microsoft Office Project 2003 setup program gives you the ability to upgrade your Global template file. Some behaviors you may see if you upgrade your Global template file are:
· The Project Guide may appear with menu items that belong to Microsoft Project 2002. For example, the menu item Next Steps and Related Activities may appear. To correct this, do the following:
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. In the Options dialog box, click the Interface tab.
3. Clear the Display Project Guide check box.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Tools menu, click Options.
6. In the Options dialog box, click the Interface tab.
7. Select the Display Project Guide check box.
8. Click OK.
· When exiting Microsoft Office Project 2003 for the first time after upgrading the Global template file, you will see the following message:
"You have modified a signed project. You do not have the correct key to sign this project. The signature will be discarded."
Followed by the message:
"There was a problem with the digital signature. The VBA project could not be signed. The signature will be discarded."
Microsoft Project Developer Center
Additional code samples for Microsoft Project 2003 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) methods, properties, and events can be found at the Microsoft Project Developer Center, at:
TimeScaleValues collections and .NET programming
When calling the Value property of the TimeScaleValues collection, a COMException error may be returned. Because of the way garbage collection occurs in .NET applications and because of some limitations in the Microsoft Project TimeScaleValues collections, you'll need to add "System.GC.Collect()" inside any loop that goes through the TimeScaleValues collection.
Errors in Visual Basic for Applications Help Topics
The following six topics are missing in Project VBA Help:
· AdministrativeProject Property
Applies To: Project Object, Projects Collection Object
True if the project is an Administrative Project, which tracks nonworking time. Default False. Read/write Boolean.
· EarnedValueBaseline Property
Applies To: Project Object, Projects Collection Object
Returns or sets the baseline number for the earned value of a task. Can be one of the following PjBaselines constants: PjBaseline, PjBaseline1 ... PjBaseline10. Read/write Long.
· EnterpriseListSeparator Property
See Also: ListSeparator Property
Applies To: Application Object
Returns or sets the character that separates items in lists, in the Global.mpt file. Read/write String.
· EnterpriseProtectActuals Property
See Also: ActualWorkProtected Property, ActualOvtWorkProtected Property
Applies To: Application Object
True if the actuals are protected in the global.mpt. Default False. Read/write Boolean.
· GlobalOutlineCodes Property
See Also: OutlineCodes Property
Applies To: Application Object
Returns an OutlineCodes collection representing the outline codes in the Global.mpt file. Read-only.
· LevelProposedBookings Property
See Also: BookingType Property
Applies To: Application Object
True if leveling is to be done on resources with a Proposed Booking Type. Default False. Read/write Boolean.
The FileSaveAs() method syntax and description is missing the parameter ClearConfirmed in VBA Help.
The method syntax should be:
FileSaveAs(Name, Format, Backup, ReadOnly, TaskInformation, Filtered, Table, UserID, DatabasePassWord, FormatID, Map, Password, WriteResPassword, ClearBaseline, ClearActuals, ClearResourceRates, ClearFixedCosts, XMLName, ClearConfirmed)
The description should include:
ClearConfirmed Optional Boolean. True if the Confirmed field is cleared when saving as a template, for all assignments, tasks and resources where the resource has accepted the assignment. The default value is False.
The ResetTrackingMethod Method in the VBA Help Table of Contents does not link to the topic page. To access the help topic, select ResetTrackingMethod in the Object Browser, code pane, or the Immediate pane, then press F1.
F1 Help does not work for the following topics in VBA Help, or links to the wrong topic. To see the topics, use the Project Help Table of Contents, and expand the Microsoft Office Project Visual Basic Reference folder.
· ActivePane Property
· Add Method (for the CodeMask Class)
· AppendNotes Property
· Checkin Property (for the Project Class)
· Checkout Property (for the Projects Class)
· Duration1-10Estimated Properties (DurationnEstimated Property)
· FileFormatID Method (incorrectly shown as FileFormatID Property in the Object Browser)
· FontBold Property
· Pattern Property
· ProjectResourceNew Event
· ProjectTaskNew Event
· Windows2 Property
Help Topic Issues
Resource Created Field
The help link from the Resource Created field displays a blank help topic. The topic should read:
Data Type Date
Entry Type Calculated
Description The Created field contains the date and time when a resource was added to the project.
How Calculated Microsoft Office Project 2003 assigns the current date to this field as shown in the Current date box in the Project Information dialog box.
Best Uses Add the Created field to a resource view when you need to see when resources were created. This can be particularly useful if you have a large number of resources and you want to filter for resources created within a certain time frame.
Example You need to review all the resources that were created after February because you want to make a global change to those resources. Create a filter that uses the Created field to view all resources that were created after February.
Resource Workgroup Field
The resource Workgroup field help topic has a bullet point that states:
· E-mail only The current resource is set to view and update assignment status through your company's e-mail system. Assignments will be sent to resources as e-mail attachments, and resources can view and update these assignments through e-mail.
The e-mail workgroup option has been removed from Microsoft Office Project 2003. For more information please see the following knowledge base article:
Configuring Workgroup Message Handler for Microsoft Office Project 2003
FileExit Method
The FileExit method sample code shows wrong information. The code sample shows the following:
Sub SaveAndCloseActiveProject()
FileClose pjSave
End Sub
The code sample should appear as:
Sub SaveAndCloseActiveProject()
FileExit pjSave
End Sub
Options Security Method
The text for the Options Security method help topic Remove Properties parameter says "True if Microsoft Office Project 2003 removes Author, Manager, Company, Last saved by, and routing slip information from the project upon saving." This method does not remove routing slip information from the project.
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