Learning Essentials for Microsoft Office, Student Edition, helps you get the most out of Microsoft Office in the least amount of time. Learning Essentials offers templatesA file that contains the structure and tools for document elements such as style and page layout and toolbars specifically created for student tasks such as reports, presentations, foreign languages studies, and everyday homework assignments.
In addition to task-based toolbars and templates that help you accomplish work quickly and easily, Learning Essentials offers tutorialsAn educational exercise designed to provide instruction and training and project assistanceAn activity or additional information linked to an Office template, displayed in a separate window to help you with your studies.
You can also personalize the content in Learning Essentials. You can organize it in the way that works best for you, and then supplement it with links to documents, templates, or Web sites that you find useful.
You can organize content in Learning Essentials and supplement it with your own links to documents, templates, or Web sites that you find useful. You can add, delete, rename, or move items as needed.
Learning Essentials content is organized with categoriesA group of items organized together. Categories contain subcategory headingsThe heading for a group of subcategories, such as Templates or Tutorials, which group subcategoriesa subdivision of a category, containing a smaller group of items. Subcategories contain itemsA single thing in a group or collection.
For example, to add an item to a new category, you would do the following:
Create a new category. Right-click an existing category, and then add a category.
Create a new subcategory heading. Select your new category, and then right-click a spot in the empty subcategory list and add a subcategory heading.
Create a new subcategory. Right-click your new subcategory heading, and then add a subcategory.
Add an item. Select your new subcategory, and then right-click a spot in the empty item list and add an item.
You also have the options to remove all customization for Learning Essentials or show deleted content.
Learning Essentials offers a number of project assistanceAn activity or additional information linked to an Office template, displayed in a separate window files that you can link to a document or templateA file that contains the structure and tools for document elements such as style and page layout. If you want a different project assistance file, or if no project assistance file is linked to your document, you can select one from a list of available files.
Select a project assistance file
Open the document for which you want to select a project assistance file.
On the Student Tools menu, click Project Assistance.
A list of project assistance files appears.
In a project assistance window, click to see the list of files.
From the list, select a project assistance file to link to the document.
Save your document.
You can have only one project assistance file linked to a document at a time.
Any changes you made to the project assistance file will be lost. For example, if you added check marks in a checklist, the check marks used to indicate your status are cleared when you remove the file.
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